How to transfer a Wildcard to Tomcat

So I have a wildcard certificate which I talk about earlier on how to transfer it to different servers (we have several different IIS / Web Servers in the environment). But we also have 1 Apache Tomcat Server which had a certificate applied to it which was getting ready to… Continue reading

Changing Call Translation on Cisco Call Manager

I needed to take one of our 800 Numbers and route it directly to the CEO. Our CEO worked in a different state but wanted to use our phone system to receive calls and wanted to give out a Toll Free number so people are not discouraged from calling him because to the… Continue reading

How to change the Phones firmware version on Cisco Call Manager

This is how you apply new firmware to all phones in your Call Manager. The current version I was running is 8.5 and I applied this to the Publisher (primary server) in our 2 Server farm. In this case I was updating the 7945 with firmware version SCCP45.9-2-1SR2S to help… Continue reading

How to kick start WSUS check

So occasionally during our maintenance weekend tasks the server does not show any updates whereas I know there are updates available. Simply run this from Command Line to kick start the WSUS client to check on updates. [code] net stop wuauserv REG DELETE “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto Update” /v NextDetectionTime /f net start… Continue reading