How to install a Wildcard to a new server or Site

Today I needed to take a wildcard certificate that was already installed on a website and apply that to another website. The only problem I found was the new website was located on a different server. Now the new site did have the same <> extension on it as the old one but just a different prefix.

Below is how I did this.

Export on IIS6

  1. From the Start menu, select “Run” and type mmc.
  2. Choose Add/Remove Snap-in under the File menu.
  3. Click Add, then Certificates, then Add.
  4. Go to Computer Account, then Next, then Local Computer, then Finish.
  5. Close the Add Standalone Snap-In window and the Add/Remove Snap-in window.
  6. Click the + to Expand the Certificates (Local Computer) Console Tree, look for the Personal directory/folder and expand Certificates.
  7. Right Click on the Certificate you would like to backup and choose > ALL TASKS > Export, follow the Certificate Export Wizard to backup your certificate to a .pfx file
  8. Choose to ‘Yes, export the private key’ and to include all certificates in certificate path if possible (do NOT select the delete Private Key option).
  9. Leave default settings > Enter Password (if required)
  10. Choose to save file on a set location, then Finish.
  11. You will receive a message > Export Successful
  12. The .pfx file backup is now saved in the location you selected.


Import On IIS 6

Step 1 – Install Certificate on Computer for use

  1. From the Start menu, select “Run” and type mmc.
  2. Choose Add/Remove Snap-in under the File menu.
  3. Click Add, then Certificates, then Add.
  4. Go to Computer Account, then Next, then Local Computer, then Finish.
  5. Close the Add Standalone Snap-In window and the Add/Remove Snap-in window.
  6. Click the + to Expand the Certificates (Local Computer) Console Tree, look for the Personal directory/folder and expand Certificates.
  7. Right Click the blank space by the currently install certificates and select All Tasks –> Import
  8. Follow instructions
  9. Select Next
  10. Browse to where the PFX is located
  11. Select finish

Step 2 – apply cert to site

  1. Start IIS Manager
  2. Expand IIS Manager –> Server –> Web Sites –> to the site you want apply certificate
  3. Right click and select Properties
  4. Select Directory Security Tab
  5. Select Server Certificate button
  6. Select Next
  7. Select Replace certificate
  8. Select Next
  9. Select new certificate
  10. Select next and finish
  11. Click OK to save properties
  12. Test Site

Import if you are using IIS 7

  1. From the Start menu, select “Run” and type mmc.
  2. Choose Add/Remove Snap-in under the File menu.
  3. Click Add, then Certificates, then Add.
  4. Go to Computer Account, then Next, then Local Computer, then Finish.
  5. Close the Add Standalone Snap-In window and the Add/Remove Snap-in window.
  6. Click the + to Expand the Certificates (Local Computer) Console Tree, look for the Personal directory/folder and expand Certificates.
  7. Right Click the blank space by the currently install certificates and select All Tasks –> Import
  8. Follow instructions
    1. Select Next
    2. Browse to where the PFX is located
    3. ….
  9. Once certificate is installed Edit Bindings for the site
  10. Apply certificate to your Site or Add new 443 if not already added.
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3 Responses to How to install a Wildcard to a new server or Site

  1. Eveline says:

    good information. thanks for posting.

  2. Awesome post, where is the rss? I cant find it!