PowerShell: I tried, but I cant live without you!

Over and over I find myself going back to powershell, no matter how hard i try to do things other ways. I think I will now give you the full credit you deserve… almost. I do find that the out of the box features are not always enough, but I seem to always find a way. Recently I keep getting directed back to Quest Software Active Directory cmdlets.

My latest used the “Connect-QADService” to connect to one of our other domains to get a list of all users in a specific Active Directory Group:

Connect-QADService -service ‘domainName’

And , also users of its Nested Groups:

Get-QADGroupMember “Group Name” -indirect

Others can be found at: http://wiki.powergui.org/index.php/QAD_cmdlets_reference Its free, so get it!!

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