Moving Ironport Safe List Block List to new Device

We Migrated from a C160 to a C170 IronPort device. In doing so the new device was setup with the same config file as the old device but the Safe / Block List is a seperate file than the config file. We had to do the following steps to move the Safe List Block List to the New Device.

  1. Login to old device and save csv file
    1. Go to System Administration
    2. Configuration File
    3. Scroll down to End-User Safelist/BlockList Database (spam Quarantine)
    4. Select Backup Now
  2. FTP to device
    1. Navigate to Configuration Folder
    2. Find CSV file you created. In format slbl-<SN>-<TIMESTAMP>.csv
    3. Copy or download
  3. FTP To New Device
    1. Navigate to Configuration Folder
    2. Upload file from 2b above
  4. Login to new device
    1. Go to System Administration
    2. Configuration File
    3. Scroll down to End-User Safelist/BlockList Database (spam Quarantine)
    4. Click Select File to Restore
    5. Select file you uploaded from 3b above
    6. Select Submit
    7. Select ok for overwriting data
  5. Finished – Have users check safe list / block list
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