We Migrated from a C160 to a C170 IronPort device. In doing so the new device was setup with the same config file as the old device but the Safe / Block List is a seperate file than the config file. We had to do the following steps to move the Safe List Block List to the New Device.
- Login to old device and save csv file
- Go to System Administration
- Configuration File
- Scroll down to End-User Safelist/BlockList Database (spam Quarantine)
- Select Backup Now
- FTP to device
- Navigate to Configuration Folder
- Find CSV file you created. In format slbl-<SN>-<TIMESTAMP>.csv
- Copy or download
- FTP To New Device
- Navigate to Configuration Folder
- Upload file from 2b above
- Login to new device
- Go to System Administration
- Configuration File
- Scroll down to End-User Safelist/BlockList Database (spam Quarantine)
- Click Select File to Restore
- Select file you uploaded from 3b above
- Select Submit
- Select ok for overwriting data
- Finished – Have users check safe list / block list