Powershell to check Last Reboot on a Windows Server

Not sure I will ever need to use this again, but needed a way to check who last rebooted a server. We used this code: Get-EventLog -logname “system” | where-object {($_.eventid -eq 1074)} | % {if(($_.TimeGenerated).DayOfYear -eq (get-date).DayOfYear){$_.EventID,$_.TimeGenerated,$_.Message}} Note that event ID 1074 gives you if a user requested a… Continue reading

Moving WordPress

This assumes you have created a LAMP server and it is working correctly 1. copy files using ftp client 2. Make Backup of sql (mysqldump -u root -p [databasename] > Backupfile.sql;) 3. on new server – upload files (/var/www/[sitename]) 4. copy sql backup to directory to restore from 5. connect… Continue reading