Tech Tip 101 – System Summary
To quickly generate a text summary of your system, run this command: systeminfo | more
To quickly generate a text summary of your system, run this command: systeminfo | more
Quick one today – because I had a tier 2 person ask a few moments ago: IIS Log File Location%SystemRoot%system32Logfiles
You can kill RDP sessions at the command line when you find that all the RDP sessions to a server are tied up. regsvr32 query.dll [enter] You only have to do this the first time. query session /server:servername [enter] reset session # /server:servername [enter]
This is the start of my 101 level tech tips. I have found that there are some tasks that sysAdmins skip over or never use, they are usually basic skills that for some reason at the time went in one ear and back out the other. So this is my… Continue reading
We a recent customer that wanted to use FTP over SSL on IIS. So below is what we did to get it to work (read We as Me). Pre-Steps are to install IIS and Create an FTP, Have a SSL Cert and IP Addresses 1. At your IIS top Level… Continue reading
Not sure I will ever need to use this again, but needed a way to check who last rebooted a server. We used this code: Get-EventLog -logname “system” | where-object {($_.eventid -eq 1074)} | % {if(($_.TimeGenerated).DayOfYear -eq (get-date).DayOfYear){$_.EventID,$_.TimeGenerated,$_.Message}} Note that event ID 1074 gives you if a user requested a… Continue reading
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(“ “)
A note we found this weekend. When converting from a Virtual on HyperV to vSphere we used the builtin tools in vSphere. But we were doing the conversion over a VPN from 2 different domains. Error at 1% with conversion server error stating Host Not Found just after a reference… Continue reading
This assumes you have created a LAMP server and it is working correctly 1. copy files using ftp client 2. Make Backup of sql (mysqldump -u root -p [databasename] > Backupfile.sql;) 3. on new server – upload files (/var/www/[sitename]) 4. copy sql backup to directory to restore from 5. connect… Continue reading
After having to sit in the conference room for 4 days straight and participate in a “PC Pitstop” where users brought thier laptops in i began to think there has got to be an easier way to do some of this, which lead me on a google quest for: AutoUpdate CRM Server…. Continue reading